Longwood widow grateful to veterans she never met for helping to honor her late husband

A Longwood widow is grateful to some veterans for helping to lay her husband to rest with a flag folding ceremony.

Army Sgt. Donald Horning, 75, is remembered with a very special ceremony. His wife, Cheri, put a call out for help on Facebook and the calvary arrived.

"Carolina Dave was amazing. He came last-minute."

Carolina Dave and five other veterans who had never met Cheri came to her home over the weekend.

Carolina Dave said, "Everyone who came to do this were all independent bikers, veterans, who felt a need to help out and lay a fellow veteran to rest."

Jolly Roger is the guy who stepped up. He had been on the Honor Guard in his active duty days, so he had the knowledge.

Cheri said her husband, Donald, was awarded the Purple Heart.

"He was a medic, MEDVAC unit in Vietnam 1965-1968. He was actually shot in 66. The bullet went through the pilot and then went through my husband."  

Carolina Dave said, "The combat veterans took to heart that knowing what he did was like an angel basically. Donald was the last person in a lot of instances that they looked into his eyes. He saw the last moments of a lot of young men's lives and these guys all knew the importance of that."

And for Donald’s loving wife, it means the world.

Cheri said, "He stepped in and did everything that needed to be done. Thank you is not enough. I’m so grateful."