Hooters makes peace offering to student scolded for face mask

Hooters restaurant made a peace offering after a principal refused to let a 5th-grader wear a Hooters mask in school. We talked to the 11-year-old about it!

"It makes me really happy!" Ian Golba said, after hearing from Hooter’s restaurant on Friday.

It all started after we aired Ian’s story about a principal not allowing him to wear his Hooter’s mask in school because he said it was offensive.

"He told me it was inappropriate because it expresses women's body."

Hooters on Friday tweeted out FOX 35’s story saying, “Hey, Ian! What happened is pretty lame. But you’re not. And neither are free wings.  Let’s show your school there’s nothing to be ashamed about. How does 10 free wings for every student and faculty member sound?”

Ian says, "I feel like there’s nothing bad about it. I feel happy that they all did! I’m thankful for Hooters doing everything!"

We sent the tweet to the Orange County School District, but they had no comment. While Ian appreciates the offer for free wings in class, he has another idea.

"It would be cool if they went to my school It would also be cooler if they went to my football team because they would appreciate it more. But still, it would be awesome either way."

And while Ian can’t wear the Hooters mask in school, he still wears it outside of class.