Heartwarming video shows mama bear helping her cub swim to safety
Mama bear helps cub swim to safety
The South Lake Tahoe Fire Fighters Association shared a video of this mother bear help her cub swim to safety.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - A heartwarming moment was caught on camera showing a mama bear that will do anything to make sure her cubs are safe.
The South Lake Tahoe Fire Fighters Association posted video of a mama bear swimming to save her three cubs after they ended up in the water.
The crew says they were called to the scene after one cub has become separated from the mama in the marina.
But this mother bear didn't need any help.
"The mother bear was determined to save all three of her cubs herself and ensure that they see tomorrow by continually swimming each one to safety!" the association wrote on Facebook.
The video shows her swimming to one of her cubs that was struggling in the water. The little cub hopped on her back as she gave him a piggyback ride to shore.