Florida woman arrested after throwing single piece of paper at parent: police

Jasmine Sampson was arrested on July 9, 2024 and charged with burglary with assault or battery. (Photo: Volusia County Jail)
ORMOND BEACH, Fla. - A Florida woman found herself behind bars this week after she allegedly threw a single piece of paper at another woman during an apparent road rage incident in Volusia County, according to police.
Jasmine Sampson, 26, was charged with burglary with assault and battery after the incident that took place in the parking lot of the South Ormond Neighborhood Center on Tuesday morning, according to an arrest affidavit from the Ormond Beach Police Department.
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The victim told police that Sampson's vehicle "came up behind her" after she had just dropped off her child at the recreation center. The woman said she tried to avoid Sampson, but she continued to follow her and yell at her, the affidavit said. That's when Sampson allegedly got out of her car, opened the passenger door of the victim's pickup truck and threw what was lying on the seat at the woman – a single piece of paper and an empty backpack.
Both items hit the woman, police said.
Police met with Sampson, who said in a post-Miranda interview that the other woman had "blocked her in the parking lot and she had to drive on the curb to get around her," the affidavit said. Sampson said she thought the other woman had "intentionally" blocked her in.
Sampson was placed under arrest after the victim said she wanted to press charges.
The 26-year-old has since been released from the Volusia County Jail, online jail records show.