Florida House quickly considers school board term limits

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (NSF) - Preparing for the March 5 start of the annual legislative session, a House panel next week will take up a proposal that would ask voters to place eight-year term limits on county school board members.
The House PreK-12 Quality Subcommittee is scheduled Feb. 6 to consider the proposed constitutional amendment (HJR 229), filed by Rep. Anthony Sabatini, R-Howey-in-the-Hills.
If approved by lawmakers during the spring session, the measure would go on the 2020 ballot because it is a proposed constitutional amendment. An identical term-limit bill (SJR 274) has been filed in the Senate by Ocala Republican Dennis Baxley.
The state Constitution Revision Commission last year also proposed term limits for school board members. But the Florida Supreme Court blocked the proposed constitutional amendment from going on the November ballot because of a dispute about another education issue in the proposal.
Information provided by The News Service of Florida.