Fisherman hauls in Texas record 1,033-pound hammerhead shark

TEXAS CITY, Texas (AP) - A 1,033-pound (468 kilogram) hammerhead shark caught over the weekend during a fishing tournament based in Texas City is a record for the species in Texas and one of the largest fish ever caught in the state.
Tim McClellen has been fishing for 20 years and says you never know what's going to bite when you drop your line.
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department records show his hammerhead caught offshore in the Gulf of Mexico tops the old mark set 37 years ago by 162 pounds (73 kilograms).
Records also show the biggest fish in Texas is a 1,129-pound (512 kilogram) tiger shark reeled in from the gulf in 1992.
Just last week, Sergio Roque, another participant in this month's Tackle Time Fishing Tournament sponsored by the Texas City Jaycees , caught a 946-pound (429 kilogram) tiger shark.