Father says he was charged $39.35 to hold his newborn son

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A Utah father says he was charged money to hold his newborn after delivery.
A picture posted to Imgur is going viral after the new dad wrote he was charged $39.35 to hold his baby after he was born.
The photo of a bill shows a $39.35 charge for 'skin to skin after C-sec.'
The bill is dated September 23 and shows a delivery date of September 4th.
Many people commenting on Reddit expressed their outrage, but one person who identified him or herself as a labor and delivery nurse gave a possible explanation for such a charge.
He or she wrote, "Doing 'skin to skin' in the operating room requires an additional staff member to be present just to watch the baby. We used to take all babies to the nursery once the NICU team made sure everything was okay. Skin to skin' in the [operating room] is a relatively new thing and requires a second Labor and Delivery RN to come in to the [operating room] and make sure the baby is safe."
The dad for his part doesn't seem upset by the charge. He told a local news station that he and his wife had a positive experience and they just got a chuckle out of seeing that charge on the bill.
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