Daytona Beach Fire called to extinguish construction excavator that malfunctioned and caught fire

A piece of construction equipment malfunctioned and caught fire, according to the Daytona Beach Fire Department, who responded to put it out. Photos via Daytona Beach Fire Department. (Daytona Beach Fire Department)

Construction crews were clearing brush and trees from a wooded area on Monday when an excavator somehow caught fire.

The Daytona Beach Fire Department posted a couple of videos and photos of the burning excavator on its Facebook page showing the machine entirely engulfed in flames and firefighters spraying water to put it out.

According to the Facebook post, the machine suffered a "mechanical malfunction" and caught fire. The worker who was operating the machine was able to get out safely. Crews were able to extinguish the flames and prevent them from spreading and possibly starting a brush fire.

No one was hurt.

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