A ferocious cat attacked a woman and 7 pitbulls

Javiera Catalina Rodriguez | Facebook
FOX NEWS - Throw out everything you thought you knew about cats and dogs ... particularly pitbulls!
In a story out of British Columbia, a woman said one aggressive and fearless cat went after her and the seven pitbulls she was taking for a walk.
Kyla Grover told the Victoria Times Colonist that all the dogs were leashed and minding their own business when the cat ran out of a yard Monday.
The dogs, out for a walk with a group called Pit Bulls of Victoria B.C., did a lot of barking at the cat but did not fight back, said Grover. Grover said she was bitten and scratched as she tried to protect the dogs from the ferocious feline. She said she spent a whole night at the ER due to the "nasty" bites.