15-year-old Orange City boy arrested after "prejudice attack" on another teen, deputies say
Teen arrested after hate crime assault
A 15-year-old boy has been arrested on enhanced charge in prejudiced attack.
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. - A 15-year-old Orange City boy was arrested after a "prejudice attack" on another teen, Volusia deputies said.
The teen was arrested on an enhanced felony battery charge Friday in Daytona Beach after repeatedly punching a 16-year-old victim in an attack motivated by prejudice against gay people.
According to the report, the attack happened on Friday morning at a SMA Healthcare residential adolescent treatment facility at 3875 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach. The surveillance video shows the defendant said something to the victim, who was sitting down, before walking over to him and starting punching. The defendant climbed onto the victim and punched him multiple times before the attack was broken up by staff.
The victim explained to a deputy that the defendant continuously calls him by a common slur used against gay people.
Officials said the victim said the defendant accused him of snitching to the staff about the name-calling, then called him by the same slur again and attacked him.
The injuries included an eye that was swollen partially shut, redness and abrasions to his face, and a possible arm injury.
Deputies said the attack was determined to be a hate crime, and the defendant was charged accordingly. He was also charged with violating his probation from a previous arrest for battery. He was transported to the Department of Juvenile Justice to be held in secure detention.