Uber delivering free ice cream on Friday

(Photo: @Uber / Twitter)
WASHINGTON - As we are nearing the end of the summer next month, Uber is offering some customers a way to cool down this Friday.
On August 11, Uber customers in ten select cities can get free ice cream delivered to them using the Uber app.
Here’s how it works. Uber says starting at 11 a.m. Friday, customers can open up the app and tap on the “Request Ice Cream” button. If there is a match, an Uber Ice Cream truck will deliver a limited edition collectible cone for you and up to four friends.
Uber warns they only have a limited supply so “if you’re not matched, keep trying!”
For those who do get a collectible cone, you can refill it at participating McDonald’s restaurants with one free soft serve ice cream every Friday until Sept. 22.
The cities receiving free ice cream are Washington D.C., Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Boston, Miami, Toronto, Seattle, Atlanta and Dallas.
The company says it has delivered over 200,000 treats to customers since 2012 for its Uber Ice Cream days.