Pine Hills community meets to discuss violence

Dozens of Pine Hills community members gathered at the Nee Life Church on Thursday to discuss a recent spike in violence in the area.

The meeting was organized by Bishop Kelvin L Cobaris, who invited government and law enforcement leaders. The meeting provided an open forum for not only leaders to speak, but for community members to share ideas in front of those leaders as well.

During the meeting, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings announced he would create a citizen safety task force.

“That will be made of citizens,” he said. “Your funds, your taxpayer dollars, we want to be able to use it the way you want us to use it.”

Bishop Cobaris is suggesting mentorship programs. Cobaris said such programs have been successful in Pine Hills in the past, using state grants.

The Bishop called Thursday’s meeting a start.

“I’m more excited to see the outcome when we get through the discussion what solutions we’ll implement in our community,” he said.

If you are interested in joining the task force, email