Orange County says wastewater analysis points to COVID-19 spike

Orange County leaders warn that another COVID-19 spike could be days away. The county has been testing wastewater for concentrations of coronavirus RNA.

Orange County Government’s Utilities Department continues its participation in the National Wastewater Surveillance System. 

The program monitors wastewater from water reclamation facilities to analyze the concentration and spread of the coronavirus. The County’s water reclamation facilities serve approximately 870,000 people.

The concentrations tested reflect both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections, alerting to spikes in infections four to ten days before positive case numbers would be available. Below is information from last week:

East Water Reclamation Facility

  • Concentrations have increased from 267,916 in May to 2,073,070 on August 12
  • 674 percent increase in approximately a 14-week time frame

South Water Reclamation Facility

  • Concentrations have increased from 149,113 in May to 1,252,508 on August 12
  • 740 percent increase in approximately a 14-week time frame

Northwest Water Reclamation Facility

  • Concentrations have increased from 154,243 in June to 1,016,166 on August 12
  • 559 percent increase in approximately an 11-week time frame

Information provided by Orange County.

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