Ocala to return to in-person city council meetings May 19
OCALA, Fla. - Ocala’s next city council meeting, on May 19, will be in person.
“This is just a really nice introduction that this first meeting that they’re coming back to council and to the chambers,” city spokesperson Ashley Dobbs said.
The council chambers has been re-arranged to allow proper social distancing. Only 24 residents allowed in at a time. Overflow crowd required to wait in the lobby on the first or second floor.
RELATED: Ocala mayor says city will not enforce some state guidelines for reopening
City leaders and council members all agreed to appear in person at their last meeting on May.
The city’s mayor, Kent Guinn, is excited about this move. He’s been very vocal about reopening the city.
“This just needs to be over with here soon,” Mayor Guinn said. “Real Soon. We just got to get back to work.”
The city installed UV lights in its air conditioners and has cleaned high traffic areas.
Those attending the meetings facing temperatures checks and encouraged to wear a mask.
The city will also continue to stream the meetings online.
“It’ll be on Zoom meeting,” Mayor Guinn said. “If you’re afraid to come to city hall. Don’t come.”
The next city council meeting will be May 19th at 5pm at Ocala City Hall.