More mystery objects found on Florida beaches: Here is what they are
After some mystery objects unearth by Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole in Daytona Beach Shores turned out to be a 19th-century merchant ship, it appears another mystery is underway at Flagler Beach.
"This is the first time we've been down here, and that was one of the first things we noticed, as soon as we came down here and sat down," said Gary Bostse, who was visiting Flagler Beachon Friday.
Six or so wooden pillars have appeared from the sand at Flagler Beach along 22nd Street. What are they? What could they be? Well, it turns out, it's not such an unknown mystery after; it's actually a piece of Flagler's history.
Flagler Beach Ocean Rescue Director Tom Gillan said those six pillars are the remnants of what is believed to be the first pier in Flagler Beach, which was built nearly a hundred years ago by a businessman named George Bruner.
"I believe it was 600-feet long, and he was a private property owner on the north end," Gillan said. "He decided to build a pier, and I believe he charged $10 a year for membership for people to walk out on the pier."
During the 1940s, a hurricane destroyed Bruner's pier, said City Manager William Whitson. So, what's left remains buried in the sand.
However, as storms come in, they can wash away the sand revealing the pillars underneath it. After Hurricane Nicole swept through, that's what happened, officials said.
"We would urge caution. We want people to come enjoy the beach, but there are hazards that have been buried for decades. They're getting exposed because mother nature's moving the sand around quite significantly," said Whitson.
The city said there are no plans to cut the poles down or to remove them from the beach.
Earlier this week, state archeologists went to Daytona Beach Shores to investigate some unknown objects that appeared after Hurricane Nicole eroded part of the beach. Those archeologists believe the remains are that of a shipwreck from the late 1800s. They took some wood samples to test and get a better timeframe.
Mystery debris found on Florida beach believed to be shipwreck remains from 1800s
The mystery debris found along a Florida beach is likely shipwreck remains dating back to the 1800s, according to state archaeologists visiting the Daytona Beach Shores site Tuesday. The debris appeared along the Volusia County beach a couple of weeks ago after part of the beach was washed away following Hurricane Nicole.
"Imagine as many Amazon trucks that you see on the roads today, this was the equivalent in the 1800s,"said Christopher McCarron, archaeology administrative director and the vessel captain of the St. Augustine maritime program.