Krispy Kreme adds mini donuts to their menu permanently

The tiny treats are each less than 100 calories. (Krispy Kreme)
Did you resolve to give up sweets for the New Year? Well, Krispy Kreme has a better idea: Don't!
Instead, the popular doughnut brand is encouraging America to “cheat sweet” on their New Year’s diet plans with their newest permanent menu item — mini versions of the sugary treats they already sell.
“Too many people bail on their New Year’s resolutions before they are even halfway through January. That’s no good. Sometimes a mini-indulgence, or cheat, is all you need to help you stick with it,” said Dave Skena, Chief Marketing Officer for Krispy Kreme. “A little Krispy Kreme goes a long way.”
On Jan. 6, Krispy Kreme will be rolling out miniature versions of four of their most popular doughnuts: Original Glazed, Chocolate Iced Glazed, Chocolate Iced with Sprinkles and Strawberry Iced with Sprinkles.

The newest additions to the permanent menu will officially roll out Jan. 6 as part fo the brand's "Mini Mondays." (Krispy Kreme)
The tiny treats are each less than 100 calories — compared to the 190 calories and 10 grams of sugar in a standard-sized Original Glazed.
Krispy Kreme is also hosting “mini Mondays” with a “mini happy hour” each Monday in January to help customers “fuel the cheat and reward fans for sticking with their New Year’s resolutions,” a press release shared. This is, of course, assuming fans stick to only one of the mini doughnuts.