Verdict reached in trial of suspect tied to Kristin Smart's disappearance
Verdict reached in trial of Ruben Flores
Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of Ruben Flores who was accused of helping his son cover-up the disappearance and presumed murder of Cal Poly student Kristin Smart. The verdict will not be revealed until the jury also makes a determination on the charges against the son Paul Flores.
A jury has reached a verdict in the case of Ruben Flores who was accused of helping his son cover up the disappearance and presumed murder of Kristin Smart more than 25 years ago.
It was announced Monday that the jury had reached a verdict, but Flores will not learn his fate until a different jury also decides on the charges against his son, Paul Flores. That second jury is still deliberating.
Smart and Paul Flores were university students at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispio at the time she vanished in 1996. Prosecutors claim Paul Flores killed Smart during an attempted rape. He is the last person to have been seen with her.
Her body has not been found. But authorities claim that she was buried in the yard of Ruben Flores for years.
Ruben Flores is accused of helping his son conceal that he kidnapped and murdered Smart. He is charged with being an accessory after the fact of murder.
One juror from the Ruben Flores trial had been dismissed from the case because he spoke with his priest about the trial.
The trial is in Monterey County.