Job pays people to watch streaming sports events

Perhaps you're on your phone all the time, so why not get paid to watch your favorite sports on your favorite device?

The idea is that with people cutting the cord, you're going to need somewhere to watch your games online, and that's where comes into to play.

"Different companies carry different channels for different programs. We thought it'd be a good idea to put together just some resources for people to come all in one place," says Chris Brantner, Editor-in-Chief of

The website is your one stop shop for all things streaming, and now they're looking to pay someone $25 an hour to watch sports online. Your job is simple: give feedback.

"Is there anything about the user interface that didn't really work out well for them, switching between games, was that difficult? Were they able to DVR the game and go back and watch later if they wanted to? Could they skip commercials?" Brantner tells the News Station.

Like any job there are requirements: You have to be at least 18 years old, you have live in the United States, and you have to have a reliable internet connection.

You can apply for the position online at