Indiana woman arrested after accidental meth text to police

FRANKLIN, Ind. (AP) — Central Indiana authorities have arrested a 19-year-old woman after she accidentally texted a police officer offering to sell methamphetamine.
Shelby Eicks of New Whiteland faces preliminary charges of dealing methamphetamine and dealing a controlled substance. She's being held in the Johnson County Jail.
The Johnson County Daily Journal reports Eicks accidentally sent the text message to a New Whiteland police officer last month. The police department contacted the Johnson County Sheriff's Office, and an undercover detective met her Sept. 10 at a fast-food restaurant where he bought a half-ounce of meth for $575. Police say the two met again last Thursday and the detective bought 17 prescription pain pills for $135. Officers then arrested Eicks.
It wasn't clear whether Eicks has an attorney who could comment on her behalf.
Information from: Daily Journal,