Florida woman allegedly smacks mom in the face with grits

Photo: Marion County Sheriffs Office

A 28-year-old woman has found herself behind bars after she allegedly smacked her mom in the face with grits during an argument about pizza this week. 

Jakiela Mobley was arrested and charged with battery after the incident that unfolded in Marion County on Monday morning, according to an arrest affidavit from the Marion County Sheriff's Office. 

Mobley told deputies she was sleeping on the street in Ocala on Sunday night, but asked her mother to pick her up so she can have a warm place to sleep, the affidavit said. The next morning, Mobley told her mother that she was going to make a pizza in the oven, to which her mother said she was making grits and she could have some – or make another breakfast food. 

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"She did not need to make a pizza," the mother said about her daughter, according to the affidavit. 

Mobley began to argue with her mother, and that's when she grabbed some of the grits her mom had made and hit her in the face with them, the affidavit said. 

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Mobley tried to place the blame on her mother, saying that she grabbed the grits and hit herself in the face to make it seem like she was battered, the affidavit said. Deputies, however, said they saw grits on the side of Mobley's mother's face and a mark created by a hand in the grits, which corroborated the mother's statement. 

Mobley, who has multiple previous battery arrests, was placed under arrest and transported to the Marion County Jail, where she remains on $2,500 bond.