Florida House sends firefighter cancer aid bill to governor
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - The Florida House has sent Gov. Ron DeSantis a bill providing new benefits to firefighters who are diagnosed with cancer.
The bill unanimously passed Wednesday would provide firefighters with benefits including full cost of treatment, a $25,000 payout, disability pay and death benefits for beneficiaries. The Senate passed it Tuesday.
The bill would treat cancer and cancer deaths like on-the-job injuries and deaths. It is a top priority for Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, the state's fire marshal.
The bill failed for years. Republican Sen. Anitere Flores said some version of it has been filed since 2003. It almost died this year because the House wasn't going to take it up, but last week Speaker Jose Oliva acknowledged pressure to pass it and allowed it to be considered.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.