Father, young son escape lightning-caused fire at home
ORLANDO, Fla. (FOX 35 ORLANDO) - A family is homeless after lightning caused a fire that destroyed their home.
It was a loud bolt of lightning that woke up Shawn Chappelear just before 5 p.m. on Monday.
"I was dead asleep and that lightning just jolted me, and I heard him cry," he said.
He's talking about his 4-year-old son, Wyatt, who was in another room when the home caught on fire.
"I see orange lights dancing, and I say 'something's not right.' And I turned the corner and that whole wall was engulfed."
Chappelear sprung into action, saving his little boy and the family pets.
"Holding him, pushing him out, trying to get the dog out," he said.
Moments later, everyone was safe, including little Wyatt.
His mother was out getting dinner when the blaze started.
Crystal Chappelear said, "I was freaking out!"
Firefighters say lightning struck the back of the mobile home, causing the blaze.
But, as this mom and dad embrace their 4-year-old son, they realize how lucky they are despite losing everything.
Chappelear said, "I love that boy, he's everything to me."
His wife Crystal agrees, "I have Wyatt, I have my husband, I have the cats, the dog. I don't care what I lost."
The American Red Cross is helping the family.