Orlando residents can score major gas discounts for one day only: Here's how

Photo: Circle K

Need to fill your tank? Select Circle K locations across Orlando are offering up to 40 cents off per gallon on Thursday. 

The Circle K Fuel Day Pop-Up offers a discount on gas between 4 and 7 p.m. at participating Orlando locations, plus over 3,000 gas stations across the U.S. 

"We are proud to once again offer up some great fuel savings to help customers squeeze every last drop out of the summer season before shifting into ‘back-to-school’ mode," said Senior Vice President of Operations in the Eastern U.S. Brian Bednarz. "Our Fuel Day Pop Up is a way for us to thank our customers for their loyalty as they fuel their summer journeys. And while they enjoy the savings at the pump, they can also cool down with a great deal in the store, with any size Polar Pop and Froster for 79 cents as part of our summer-long ‘America’s Thirst Stop’ promotion." 


Click here to find a Circle K near you. 
