9 puppies found abandoned in sealed plastic bag in SoCal park

ESCONDIDO, Calif. (FOX 11) - Authorities have launched a felony animal cruelty investigation after nine puppies were found abandoned in a sealed dog food bag in Escondido.
According to the San Diego Humane Society, a good Samaritan discovered the puppies at Kit Carson Park during the early hours Thursday and immediately brought them to San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus.
Officials say that the puppies were found in an emptied dog food bag that had been sealed shut with duct tape. The puppies were cold, dehydrated and covered in feces and urine inside the bag, according to the San Diego Humane Society.
The puppies are believed to be Shar Pei mixes, about 10-14 weeks old.
San Diego Humane Society’s Humane Law Enforcement division has begun a felony cruelty investigation to find the person or people responsible for abandoning the dogs.
“This is a heartbreaking case, because we would have taken those puppies at San Diego Humane Society, no questions asked,” said Laurel Monreal, sergeant of humane law enforcement for San Diego Humane Society. “Anyone who needs help with their animals can bring them to us. We are an open admission shelter.”
The puppies were treated by medical staff at the San Diego Humane Society, given fluids, fed multiple times and bathed before being moved into foster homes for around-the-clock-care.
Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest in this case. If
anyone has information, leads can be reported through an anonymous tip line at 888-580-8477 or visit
the Crime Stoppers website at sdcrimestoppers.org for more information on how to send anonymous
web and mobile app tips. Information can also be reported to San Diego Humane Society’s Humane
Law Enforcement by calling 619-299-7012.