2 Florida boys serious burned by homemade firework explosion

POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Florida authorities say two boys playing with an illegal homemade firework have been hospitalized with serious burns.
The South Florida Sun Sentinel reports an 8-year-old and 9-year-old boys were trying to light an onion bomb when it exploded.
Pompano Beach Fire Rescue spokeswoman Sandra King told the newspaper the boys were having a tough time and both of them bent down to light the device when it exploded Wednesday in the courtyard of an apartment building.
The 8-year-old suffered second-degree burns to his face and both hands. The older boy had second-degree burns on one hand. Three other boys were not hurt.
They've been transferred to a burn center in Miami after being rushed to a medical center in Fort Lauderdale.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.