Small businesses looking to federal government for help

A stock image of cash.
ORANGE COUNTY, FL - Small business owners around the country are looking for a life raft from the federal government, so many fearing going under.
"If I am paying full rent, my loan money will be over in 6 months, that means i am in debt and my business is gone, I’m totally bankrupt," said Nurmohd Basaria, Owner, JNM Food Mart.
Nurmohd Basaria is the owner of JNM Food Mart on International Drive. He fears being forced to close, if international travelers don’t return soon.
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"I’m scared myself, I was expecting that we could be back around spring but it seems like it’s not going to happen," said Basaria, "this is not only me, this is all of I-Drive, a lot of stores are closed."
Like Waseem Qureshi’s ice cream shop.
"31st of December is the last day," said Waseem Qureshi, Owner, Edy’s Ice Cream.
The small business owner can’t afford to stay open. He’s seen a 70 percent drop in sales.
"We can’t even make our rent anymore," said Qureshi, "every month we’re having to put from our pocket like $2,000-$3,000."
A Federal relief bill could save businesses like Quereshi’s.
"The choice right now is pretty clear either get something to help get us through these next couple months till we have President-Elect Biden sworn into office or not have anything right now," said Darren Soto, U.S. House of Representative, Florida, District 9.
The proposed package includes PPP Loans but Basaria says it’s not enough.
"My business cannot survive on PPP," said Basaria, "we need a grant from the government to pay the rents, so the landlords can take care of us, right now landlords are in trouble too because they are losing right now."
"We need to continue with another relief package after this," said Soto.