'She's the shining light in our family' says Miya Marcano's cousin

As day six of the search for Miya Marcano takes place, her family is processing the decision by FBI to assist. It's something they have been requesting for days as they believe she was kidnapped. 

Investigators say the person of interest in the case, Armando Caballero died of an apparent suicide.

"It’s extremely hard because in the back of your mind you’re wondering, is she tired, is she scared."

The family of Marcano says it’s been extremely difficult since she went missing. 

"It’s heart wrenching. It’s heart breaking, this is our baby."

Her cousin Adriana Sue says Miya’s the shining light in their family. 

"She’s funny, she’s goofy, she’s silly, she’s very family oriented. She loves her family and her family loves her back."

She says the 19 year old started attending Valencia College last year. She came from Broward County. 

"She was considering something in the sports medicine field or maybe physical therapy, but just like any young person just getting started she was open to any ideas." 

Adriana says Miya is her son’s godmother. 

They’re praying she comes home.

"Her life is just getting started and we need to bring her home. We are a family of faith but most of all we have faith in Miya. That Miya is still fighting, waiting for us to come to her, for us to find her."

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