Man arrested, accused of abandoning father, stealing from him and selling his home

(Javier Dross)
DELTONA, Fla. - A Deltona couple is behind bars, accused of exploiting and abandoning an elderly man and stealing more than $186,000 from him.
Volusia County deputies say Javier Dross, 62, and Lydia Dross, 57, were arrested on Friday in Arizona after also selling the victim's home.

(Lydia Dross)
Investigators say they moved across the country and spent thousands of dollars of Javier Dross' father's money after leaving the 87-year-old man with a friend they recently met in Deltona.
The sheriff's office started its investigation in September after the Florida Department of Children and Families were notified of the possible exploitation.
Detectives said Javier Dross moved into his father's Deltona home last year and then sold it in May of this year after getting his father to sign over his power of attorney.
Officials said the elderly man didn't know what he was signing, but since Javier was his son, he trusted him.
Anyone who has information about the possible exploitation of an elderly person in Volusia County is askd to call the 24/7 Florida Abuse Hotline at 800-96-ABUSE.