Florida deputies warn of resurfacing scam that could show up at your door

Florida deputies are warning residents of a scam that's going around again that could involve a knock at your door. 

The Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office said gypsy-style companies are going door-to-door offering asphalt paving services. 

"These companies may try to exchange their services for cash," deputies said. 

To protect yourself, deputies recommend dealing with a licensed contractor in Okeechobee County. They're also urging residents to pay attention to details, like if the receipt lacks any key information, if the contractor doesn't have a license or if they ask for payments up front or in cash. 


"If you see someone going door to door or you feel you were a victim of fraud or see someone in your area going door to door, please contact our non emergency line at 863-763-3117," deputies said. 

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