1 Florida property owner holding up massive dune restoration project, officials say

Last week, parts of State Road A1A in Flagler County were washed into the ocean. 

For years, the county has been working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild the dunes on a two-and-a-half-mile stretch of beach in that area. The county says more sand and a bigger beach will provide more protection.

The plan has its approvals and permits and could start as soon as next June, but after getting permission to rebuild from the owners of 139 properties, one person is holding out.

Homes along that stretch come with small pieces of land on the beachside of the road that owners can't do much with, other than build a walk-over.

The county couldn't say who the property owner is or why they are holding out, but it can't move forward without them.

"You cannot leave a gap in the project," said Faith Alkhatib, Flagler County's engineer. "It will create more destruction to the dune system and to the roadway by leaving that gap."

Further north in the county, beachside homes were inundated with sand that used to make up their dunes.

That area is not part of the Army Corps of Engineers project, but the county is looking into finding federal money to help that area too.