5th officer at Dublin prison charged in widening sex abuse scandal

A fifth correctional officer at Federal Correctional Institute Dublin has now been charged with sexual abuse, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Enrique Chavez, a cook at the prison, was indicted on two counts of abusive sexual contact against an incarcerated woman at the all-female facility. 

According to the charges unsealed on Wednesday, Chavez, 49, of Manteca, engaged in intentional sexual contact with a woman twice in October 2020. 

Prosecutors say he was arrested in Arizona on Sunday and is awaiting transfer to Oakland. 

Efforts to reach Chavez or find his attorney were unsuccessful. 

MORE: Woman at center of Dublin prison sex scandal says guard used mental health files to prey on her

In an email, FCI Dublin spokeswoman Sally Swartz said Chavez is still employed but had no further comment on his case.

She added, however, that the prison is being proactive and is fully cooperating with the Office of Inspector General. She emphasized that the "vast majority of misconduct cases" have been referred to authorities by the Bureau of Prisons. 

Each of the two counts carries a maximum statutory sentence of two years imprisonment, a three-year term of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. 

Four other officers, including now-retired Warden Ray J. Garcia, have also been charged with having illegal sex with women in prison. Garcia was specifically charged with taking nude photos some women as well. Garcia has pleaded not guilty. 

In an exclusive interview with KTVU this month, Andrea Reyes, who used to be incarcerated at FCI Dublin, said one of the officers, Ross Klinger, not only had sex with her and promised to marry her, but he dug into her psychological files to manipulate and prey on her as well. Klinger has since pleaded guilty to having sex with three incarcerated women. 

The prison has been nicknamed the "rape club," and the Department of Justice and Congress have vowed to curb the abuse. 

MORE: Dublin prison has lax security camera oversight despite sex abuse charges

Lisa Fernandez is a reporter for KTVU. Email Lisa at lisa.fernandez@fox.com or call her at 510-874-0139. Or follow her on Twitter @ljfernandez 
