Dow crests 30,000 points on vaccine hopes, Biden transition

The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded above 30,000 points for the first time on Nov. 24 as investors were encouraged by the latest progress on developing coronavirus vaccines and news that the transition of power in the U.S. to President-elect Joe Biden will finally begin.

Stocks shake off 2020 election night wobbles to rally

Much of Wednesday's strength for Wall Street was due to big gains for technology stocks. Investors have increasingly seen these stocks as some of the safer bets in the market, able to grow their profits even in a pandemic as more of daily life shifts online.

Fear turns to greed on Wall Street as Fed details bond buys

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 629 points, or 2.5%, at 24,975, as of 9:48 a.m. Eastern time, and the Nasdaq composite was down 1.5%. The losses were widespread, with 98% of the stocks in the S&P 500 lower

Stocks fight for gains after Trump vows to quell rioting

U.S. equity markets fought for gains Tuesday after President Trump threatened to deploy the military to quell violence and looting in cities across America after the death of a black man in police custody in Minneapolis.