Washing machine owners to receive settlement due to mold

TAMPA (FOX 13) - If you own a front-loading washing machine manufactured between 2001 and 2011, you may be entitled to receive a cash settlement.
Several class-action lawsuits claim that certain front-loading Whirlpool, Kenmore and Maytag washing machines fail to properly self-clean. The build-up of laundry residue results in mold and mildew that causes bad odors, and can even ruin laundry.
After over ten years of litigation, the defendants (Maytag Corporation and Sears, Roebuck and Co.) decided to settle the case to avoid "the substantial costs and disruptions of continued litigation" and the risk of the class-action case going to trial.
If your washer qualifies for the settlement, you may be eligible for one of several options, including a cash payment, a rebate on the purchase of a new washing machine or dryer, or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred due to past mold or odor problems in your washing machine.
But, the clock is ticking-- consumers only have until October 11 to submit a claim form to receive a settlement.
To see if your washing machine is part of the settlement, visit www.washersettlement.com.
To file your claim online, go to washersettlementclaim.com. Or, call toll-free 1-844-824-5781.