Student attends class every single day for 13 years

MARION COUNTY, Fla. (FOX 35 WOFL) - Marion County Public Schools announced that one of their seniors will graduate without missing a single day of class during 13 years of school.
Nicole Perrone is the only senior who will graduate with 100% perfect attendance - that's 2,340 days (minus some hurricane days) of school over the last 13 years.
Marion County Public School says that they recognize Perrone for her dedicated and consistent efforts to always attend school and her outstanding emphasis on a complete education.
Perrone plans to become a a Physician’s Assistant in Dermatology by attending the University of South Florida. She begins classes in June.
However, even before her high school graduation, Perrone reportedly received an Associate of Arts degree from the College of Central Florida thanks to her dual enrollment participation.
Last year, the Marion County Public Schools honored three students who attended every day of class for 13 years.