Naked man performs 'cannonball' into Bass Pro Shops aquarium - and it didn't happen in Florida

A man crashed his car outside a Bass Pro Shop in Alabama, stripped down to his birthday suit and plunged into the giant aquarium inside the store, police said.

The ordeal happened Thursday night in front of shocked shoppers in the town just outside Birmingham, Leeds Police Chief Paul Irwin said.

The 42-year-old Alabama man did a "cannonball" leap into the aquarium and then stood under a waterfall. He left the water to yell at two officers, then dove back into the aquarium, police said.

The man eventually climbed over the side of the aquarium and fell to the concrete floor below. Police then apprehended him, the news site reported.

He faces several charges including public lewdness, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief.

The man was in the water for about five minutes before officers arrived, Irwin said.

Florida man takes 50-pound fish out of Bass Pro Shops aquarium

Two weeks ago, a man grabbed a net, scooped up a 50-pound tarpon from the aquarium inside a Bass Pro Shops in Fort Myers, Florida, and walked out the door, according to the Lee County Sheriff's Office.

So far, the whereabouts of both the alleged suspect and the missing tarpon are unknown. Earlier this week, a spokesperson for LCSO told FOX 35 that the case "remains active." No other details were immediately available.
