Indian Harbour Beach, Indialantic considering new rules to crack down on noise complaints

Space Coast cities are cracking down on too much noise in the community. Several beach towns are looking into new fines and new rules when it comes to how loud people and businesses can play music. 

It started in Cocoa Beach and is quickly spreading down the coast. Indian Harbour Beach and Indialantic are both drafting new noise ordinances after a spike in complaints from residents upset with new businesses in each city. 

In Indian Harbour Beach, the issue started because of some condo owners on A1A who had a new business come in to the parking lot near their balconies. The same issue sparked cries for change in Indialantic. 

Right now, cities are trying to figure out how to keep residents happy without pushing new growth away.

Live music’s on the menu at Tide and Tonic, a new booming business in Indian Harbour Beach. 

"It’s a culture shock to them, I think, more than anything," said Jason Sipes, who owns the new restaurant. 

Sipes says, he immediately started hearing complaints from a few condo owners behind him, and he’s trying to keep the peace by monitoring how loud bands play. 

"I meter at the beginning of every set," he said. 

The issue surrounding noise made it to city leaders who are now drafting a brand new noise ordinance. 

"Subjective isn’t going good because folks can’t agree on what subjective is," said John Coffey who’s the city manager in Indian Harbour Beach.

Setting specific decibel levels for when music is too loud is one idea Coffey has. 

Just down the road on A1A, a new noise ordinance in Indialantic is also up for debate. The issue is bringing in loud opinions and different tunes in the community. 

"You don’t really want to hear the music of what sounds like a party that you’re not invited to," said one woman who addressed Indialantic city leaders during a recent meeting. 

"If you don’t like hearing some music at night, sell your place, move," said another woman at an Indialantic meeting on the issue. 

The city manager wants to give police more flexibility in making calls when music is too loud. 

"It simplifies it," said Michael Casey who’s the town manager. 

Some are worried crackdowns will kill growth. 

"If we start messing with noise and making big decisions that affect our town, what do you think’s going to happen?," said another resident who addressed city leaders. 

FOX 35’s Esther Bower asked Casey how the city is weighing concerns from the community while trying to make sure the economic development can continue.

"I think it’s an important thing for the council to decide, the residents too but also the business," Casey answered. 

Business owners hope they’re taken into consideration with updates on the way. 

"Look, we’re bringing people here from other cities as well, getting their revenue in our city," said Sipes. 

Both cities are working on updates to their noise ordinances but aren’t rushing things because this is a hot topic right now. Some residents have told them they shouldn’t change entire city codes for a small group of homeowners. We’re expecting both of these cities to have final votes on this issue in July.

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