Brevard County debates drive-through medical marijuana dispensaries
COCOA, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - You can drive through a pharmacy and pick up drugs, but the Brevard County Commission is pumping the breaks on drive-through medical marijuana dispensaries.
County leaders on Tuesday decided they are ready to hold public hearings on a proposal that regulates where and how medical marijuana can be sold. They decided they would start with a proposal that says don’t put them near children, churches or homes, and don’t allow the facilities to have drive-through windows.
People who spoke to FOX 35 in the City of Cocoa’s historic district said they’re fine with medical marijuana dispensaries, but they were split on whether or not dispensaries should be allowed to have drive-throughs.
“If you can drive through and get prescription drugs or anything like that you should be able to drive through and get medical marijuana,” said Zach Reyor of Cocoa.
Others said drive-through windows may be a step too far.
“My wife is on medical marijuana, and it’s a big help for her with her pain issues, so I’m all for it…drive through…I don’t know,” said William Lucas, a part-time Brevard County resident, who said he’d like to see the medical marijuana industry tightly regulated.
Oregon, Colorado and Michigan allow drive-through medical marijuana dispensaries. New Mexico’s Department of Health recently said “no” to drive-through dispensaries because they decided they pose a safety concern