3rd grade teacher wins 46th annual pumpkin weigh off in Half Moon Bay

It's the 46th Annual Pumpkin Weigh-Off in Half Moon Bay. Thousands of people are expected to pack Half Moon Bay this weekend for the Art and Pumpkin Festival.

Growers competed Monday in several categories - but the "Pumpkin King" is the one that weighs the most. It's considered the Super Bowl of pumpkin weigh-offs.

If a grower is able to break the record for the heaviest pumpkin they would win $30,000. It the record isn't broken, the winner of the contest would get $6 per pound, which can really add up.

Cindy Tobeck of Washington tells KTVU she drove down just for the contest. She says, "I wouldn't have driven all this way if I didn't think I could win it." She estimated her pumpkin between 1,900 and 2,000 pounds.

It turns out Tobeck did have the winning pumpkin. It weighed in at 1,910 pounds.  Before the contest Tobeck, a 3rd grade teacher, told KTVU it would be a "dream come true" if she won the contest. 

Pumpkins will be weighed in just about an hour from until 11 a.m.

Last year's winning pumpkin weighed in at 1,969 pounds.

The champion pumpkin, and the top five overall will be on display at the Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival this weekend.