Van Nuys apartment manager, landlord agree to give tenant struggling during pandemic extra time to pay rent
VAN NUYS, Calif. - A young man in Van Nuys went to his landlord to ask for more time to pay the rent. He explained his dad, Luis Flores, was battling cancer and he lost his job.
In fact, the financial fallout from the pandemic and the dad's ongoing cancer battle prompted Luis' daughter (the man's sister) to launch a GoFundMe page in hopes of helping the family.
As the landlord, Henry Manoucheri, and the apartment manager Roceania Williams listen to the Flores family's struggles, the two agreed to do more than just grant the family a much-needed grace period for paying rent.
Williams, with her boss' blessing, decided to organize a holiday party to show the community's support for the Flores family.
Over the weekend, Luis and Luis Jr. walked into the courtyard of their apartment complex to a remarkable surprise. The family walked into a holiday party complete with food and gifts -- all from their neighbors.
"We heard that you guys put Christmas on hold," Williams said when the Flores family walked in.
The kind gesture moved Luis Jr. to tears.
"It's a beautiful thing," said Manoucheri. "In a spirit of unity."

Luis Sr. raised his arms as the landlord he had never met offered his best wishes.
"You will get through this," Manoucheri told Luis Sr. "You have a very special family."
Those interested in helping the Flores family can check out Luis Sr.'s daughter's GoFundMe page by clicking here.
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