Dolphin bitten by sharks passes hearing test in rehabilitation
ORLANDO, Fla. (FOX 35 WOFL) - Seaworld Rescue announced that the rescued Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, who is recovering from shark bite wounds and pneumonia, has passed its hearing test at SeaWorld Orlando.
They say that NOAA Fisheries and SeaWorld recently performed a hearing test on the dolphin. The testing showed that the dolphin has full hearing through the entire frequency range necessary for echolocation.
It is crucial for cetaceans to pass a hearing test to ensure that hearing loss was not a factor in their stranding, says SeaWorld Rescue. Hearing loss is detrimental to wild cetaceans, as they rely on echolocation to hunt, navigate, and avoid predators.
This dolphin was said to be rescued in March at Ponte Verde Beach. The SeaWorld Orlando Rescue Team and the George Aquarium were both called in to assist the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) after determining that a rescue and rehabilitation attempt was necessary due to the animals' life-threatening shark bite wounds.
The dolphin was transported to SeaWorld Orlando for rehabilitation. SeaWorld veterinarians and the Animal Rescue team have been treating the dolphin with antibiotics, dewormers, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, and wound care.
SeaWorld Rescue says that the next milestones for this dolphin's rehabilitation will be for her pneumonia to clear and for her to gain additional weight and strength. She will receive 24-hour care and treatment by the SeaWorld Animal Rescue and veterinarians, as they hope she can rehabilitate to her full health and return to the wild.