Children can get free ice cream cone for saying the Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was first written by Francis J. Bellamy, a Baptist minister from New York, in 1892.

Sixth grader Eila Roberts says her father taught it to her. "Probably when I was three or four years old, when my dad came back from the Marines, and it was something I've always kept in my heart," she said.

Students Told FOX 35 News that saying the words gives them a special feeling of pride.

"Because it represents how we became our own freedom, our own country, and we were free, we had our own freedom," Jake Thornton, a 5th grader, said.

Many ice cream shops around the country are taking part in the "I Pledge Project," which offers free ice cream to kids who recite the pledge.

At Jack the Dipper in Longwood, owner Michael Martone said it's a way to foster unity. "So you bring your child in, they say the Pledge of Allegiance, they get a free ice cream cone. So, it helps instill patriotism and love of our country into the children, as well as give them a free ice cream," he said.

At Jack the Dipper, kids 12 and younger who say the pledge can get a free small ice cream cone all day long on July 4, and all Mondays and Tuesdays in July between 4 and 7 p.m. 

Customers say it's a great idea. "Every American child in this nation can recite the Pledge of Allegiance for you, so it's kind of something that brings everybody together to recognize our country," Brittany Dirocco said.

Click here for a list of participating "I Pledge Project" ice cream shops.

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