Orlando weather: Soggy weekend weather with on and off showers
Today's high: 85 degrees
Tonight's low: 75 degrees
Main weather concerns:
Showers and a few storms could linger late into this evening. Be wary of localized flooding as some streets may become flooded during heavy rain. Rain chances return Sunday in earnest with numerous heavy showers expected again under cloudy skies. We could see rain begin in the morning with off and on showers through the afternoon. Main weather threats will be torrential rain, isolated flooding, and lightning.

The weather will not be ideal for beach-goers today thanks to likely rain chances, breezy conditions, and an ongoing rip current risk. Periods of heavy rainfall will be possible anywhere from Flagler down to Melbourne with the risk of flooding in areas that have seen heavy rain in recent days. Highs will only warm into the low 80s from Daytona Beach and to the north with mid 80s farther south.

It will be a good day to bring the poncho! Rain chances will be on the rise this afternoon with off and on showers/storms likely. Under mostly cloudy skies, highs will only warm to near 85. You'll definitively want to get indoors when it does rain today as it will be plenty heavy.

The stalled front will sink farther to the south Sunday, but it will be close enough to allow for more likely storm chances on Sunday. Best chance of rain will be from areas Orlando and to the south. As drier air slowly returns, rain chances will lower into next week with more normal weather for early October expected. Highs will be in the mid 80s with mixed skies.

We're currently tracking tropical storms PHILIPPE and RINA out of the distant Central Tropical Atlantic. Both are expected to stay away from the US and move out to sea. Keep with the Fox 35 Storm Team for more updates on the tropics.