Volusia County Schools unveils new STEM bus for students

It's the 2023 version of the Magic School bus. Volusia County Schools unveiled the district's new STEM bus to students, families, district staff, and community members at Beachside Elementary on Tuesday.

The district plans to take this interactive bus on the road with stops at schools and community events. Students can hop on board and engage with these educational resources. Everything is mobile, so leaders hope the impact is even greater. 

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Everything on this bus focuses on that. 

There are digital microscopes, magnets, a 3D printing machine, iPads, and computers on board - along with mini-labs for students to conduct experiments. The district says the experiments and activities align with the standards students are supposed to learn and will be updated throughout the year. 

Research has shown exposing students to STEM instruction helps with problem-solving skills needed in both math and reading. 

On top of that - it is getting them ready for the future. According to Pew Research Center - STEM jobs have grown by close to 80% since 1990. 

"It's about instilling that love of learning and hands-on opportunities early," said Superintendent Dr. Carmen Balgobin, Volusia County Schools, "Exposed to opportunities and scenarios to solve real-world problems."

The bus will roll out this month for the first visits and the district says it’s ready to start working on its second bus.