'Doggo' and 'beast mode' among 690 words added to Merriam-Webster dictionary

Doggo, like the one seen here, has been added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. (Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)
Is your doggo ‘grammable?
Merriam-Webster has added 690 new words to its dictionary – including newsworthy terms like UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon) and more buzzworthy ones like doggo and chef’s kiss.
"These new additions have demonstrated widespread use over time, and offer a window into the world today," Merriam-Webster said in a news release.
Sports fans will appreciate beast mode ("an extremely aggressive or energetic style or manner that someone (such as an athlete) adopts temporarily (as to overpower an opponent in a fight or competition") and kayfabe, a tacit agreement familiar to pro wrestling enthusiasts.

March Madness has inspired a new dictionary word: bracketology. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
March Madness has inspired its own new addition – bracketology.
Social media slang like doggo, ‘grammable (suitable for Instagram) and rizz (romantic appeal or charm) have also been added, along with cromulent – a word invented by The Simpsons that means acceptable or satisfactory.
For foodies, cheffy (characteristic of or befitting a professional chef), smashburger, and zhuzh (a small improvement that completes the overall look or taste of something) can now be found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Climate change has also contributed new terms to the dictionary, including carbon capture and forever chemical (a toxic substance that accumulates in the environment)
You can read the full list here.