Man searching for his 'guardian angel' after recovering from motorcycle crash

An Orange County man badly hurt in a motorcycle crash is on a mission to find the person he thinks saved his life. Rakesh Bholasing said he was riding home one night when he went down on State Road 408. 

The scene still haunts his wife, Hema Rupnarain. "Every night that I had to drive home from the hospital, I had to pass the accident scene," Rupnarain said. 

Rakesh was rushed to the hospital with a head injury, broken ribs, and a broken shoulder. They were told a man, possibly an off-duty police officer, stopped traffic, so no cars could hit Rakesh, called 911, and stayed with him until paramedics arrived. The family has no idea who he is but now wants to find him to say thank you.

"I really want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for stopping," Bholasing said.

Rakesh gets emotional talking about it, feeling lucky to be recovering now at home with his wife and young daughters.

"I don’t know what would have happened to me, my wife and kids wouldn’t know what happened to me, and he played a big part in my life now, Bholasing said.

"He’s the reason that we have him home as a husband and father to our two little girls," Rupnarain said.

The crash happened back in February. Florida Highway Patrol investigated but did not have any information about whom that person was.