Anti-Trump protesters clash with opposition in Downtown Orlando
ORLANDO, Fla. - A planned anti-Trump protest outside of Orlando City Hall was met with opposition Saturday, as protesters and President Trump supporters had words with each other.
A Refuse Fascism protest was planned outside of Orlando City Hall Saturday.
The protests were happening nationwide Saturday. The group is demanding President Donald Trump out of office.
"We resist Fascism. We resist the phrase 'comply or die.' We refuse to believe that we have to deal with the normal," a Refuse Fascism protester said. "We like to hold police accountable."
As the group gathered, President Trump supporters came face-to-face with protesters. The two groups clashed in disagreement.

President Trump supporters say seeing protests in Portland is what pushed them to come out in Orlando.
"We're tired of it. We're tired of the violence and we're tired of being silent," said a President Trump supporter. "When I'm constantly harassed and called a white supremacist because I want less government, and I want more freedom, and I want to protect my right to protect myself."
The two sides are divided, but both sides agree on one thing: Head to the polls in November.

"That's why we have split apart. Black people are done and fed up with reform talk. With 'we'll get to you' talk," an anti-Trump supporter said. "I encourage everyone in my community and everyone else to vote. Vote where your heart's at."
The protests remained peaceful and no arrests were made outside of City Hall.