Deputies talk down a man firing shots in his home

Volusia County sheriffs deputies were able to peacefully talk down a man who was shooting throughout the inside his home and property. 

Deputies were called to the man's home on Brevity Lane around 2 a.m. Sunday morning. The man, 71-year-old Herbert Tipton, was firing shots from his yard and preventing his daughter from leaving.

Authorities say he believed that there were intruders looking to hurt them, so he armed himself with one of several guns in his house and starting firing shots while keeping his daughter there. 

None of the shots were fired at his daughter, but deputies say there were 12-gauge shotgun blast damage, bullet holes through a window, and numerous guns and ammunition lying around the house in multiple rooms. 

Last week, Volusia County Sheriff's Office responded to Tipton's house for a similar report. He armed himself with a rifle in his front yard to defend himself against an imaginary threat. A deputy who personally knew Tipton was able to disarm him peacefully then and get him into protective custody. 

This morning, with everyone on scene being aware of his history, the same deputy responded and was able to talk him into releasing his daughter through a bedroom window. A few minutes later, Tipton also surrendered and came out the home through the window. 

Deputies say Tipton is being charged with reckless discharge of a firearm, aggravated assault and false imprisonment.