Senator Bill Nelson says that Puerto Rico is "struggling" and "more needs to be done"

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) took to the Senate floor Monday to share what he saw on the ground in Puerto Rico over the weekend.

“We've had colleagues come back because of a flight over in a helicopter and say that they don't see a lot of damage,” Nelson said. “Of course not, because they're flying over parts of towns that most of the structures are made with concrete blocks. But when you get down there on the ground and go into the structure, then you're going to see a different story.

“The hospitals are rationing services while they struggle to get the medicine and the fuel they need to power the generators. The dialysis centers, they're struggling to get the water and fuel that they need to operate.

“I wanted to come to the floor of the Senate, having gotten back very late last night from Puerto Rico, and tell the Senate that more needs to be done.

“There should absolutely be no ambiguity about what is going on in Puerto Rico. It isn't rosy. It isn't that you can sit in a comfortable seat in a helicopter looking down from 1,500, 2,000 feet on structures that look like they are intact when, in fact, the reality on the ground below is completely different.

“Our fellow Americans are dying, and they desperately need our help. I have seen it with my own eyes on the ground. And I'm here to urge this congress and the administration that we have to act.”

See his full speech here.


Information Via U.S. Senator Bill Nelson